Cheeba Africa and Fields of Green for ALL present an upcoming in depth discussion into SA’s cannabis legislation and sustainable models. This webinar comes at an important time in South Africa’s history as we move into September where Cannabis legislation is due to be updated. It features some of the stalwarts of the Cannabis industry, who have been fighting for legalisation for well over a decade. We are also privileged to be joined by John Kagia from the USA who is a Cannabis data analyst with incredible knowledge and who will provide insight into Cannabis models being rolled out in both developing and developed economies.
The panelists include:
- Gareth Prince – Cannabis Lawyer
- Myrtle Clarke – Fields of Green for ALL
- John Kagia – New Frontier Data
- Paul-Michael Keichel – Schindlers
- Philasande Mahlakata – uMziMvubu Farmers Support Network
The host Trenton Birch, who is the CEO of Cheeba Africa, was interviewed on our weekly YouTube show called The Hot Box Show, where we discussed what to expect in this exciting webinar, as well as what else Cheeba Africa offers.

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