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In August 2023 Fields of Green for ALL was admitted as Amicus Curiae (Friends of the Court) by the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein, South Africa. We salute Neil Liddell & Ben van Houten of The Haze Club for their conviction and patience in this long-running matter to claim our Constitutional right to establish Dagga Private Clubs / Cannabis Social Clubs in South Africa.

On October 13th 2020 the South African Police Service (SAPS) did what they do so well – raided a “suspected hydroponic dagga laboratory worth R250 000” in Ottery, Cape Town. We soon found out that it was The Haze Club, a Grower’s Club practising their Constitutional Right to Privacy  The director, Neil Liddell, and a staff member were arrested and remain out on bail to this day.

Timeline of The Haze Club Case:

OCT 2020

Arrest, incarceration (14 days), bail

JAN 2021

Magistrate’s Court Cape Town - Stay in Prosecution

AUG 2022

WC High Court, Cape Town (Case no 2101/2021) - judgement - case dismissed.

NOV 2022

WCHC Leave to Appeal granted

JUN 2023

Supreme Court of Appeal, Bloemfontein - Heads of Argument THC / the State / filed

NOV 2023

Fields of Green for ALL given permission to intervene as Amicus Curiae

NOV 2024

To be Heard on 19 November in the Supreme Court of Appeal, Bloemfontein



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