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Fields of Green for ALL – Who, What and Why?

Founded by Myrtle Clarke & Julian Stobbs after their arrest in 2010, Fields of Green for ALL NPC was established in 2013 as evidence provider for The Trial of the Plant with our founders as plaintiffs. We Are here to ensure that the Human Rights of ALL are honoured throughout Cannabis Policy –   in South Africa and beyond. 


Our Vision

We envision a world free from criminal penalties related to the cultivation, possession, and use of Cannabis; a world where trade in Cannabis is free from over-regulation.

We envision a world with sufficient funding to continue playing our part in enabling an inclusive, equitable, and sustainable Cannabis Sector to develop while individual, community, and cultural interactions with Cannabis are respected and protected.

Our Mission

To contribute to a world where laws and regulations are based on evidence, and Human Rights are central to Cannabis Policy. Our aim is to ensure that stakeholders are fully informed about the rights they have and roles they play in enabling an inclusive, equitable, and sustainable Cannabis Sector for ALL.

Meet the Team

Our entire team are volunteers!

Myrtle Clarke

Managing Director

Wesley young

Executive Director, Strategic Planning

Ami Heystek

Assistant Director

Joanne Parry

Executive Producer - Hotbox Show

Charl Henning

Administration Manager & Victim Support

Shayne Howlin

Graphic Designer


Yes you! Fellow Activist!

“We will not stop until we achieve Fields of Green for ALL for ALL South Africans so that we may be an example for the rest of Africa and ALL citizens of the world. We owe it to this plant that has been so good to us in so many ways.” – Myrtle Clarke, August 2021

ECOSOC Special Consultative Status

Fields of Green for ALL has been granted special consultative status by the United Nations (Economic and Social Council).

We are the only Cannabis activist organisation globally to be given this status and we are thankful for all our team members, especially our international researchers and activists who helped coordinate and monitor our application to the UN.



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Fields of Green for ALL NPC
Bank Name: First National Bank
Branch code: 251655
Cheque Account Number: 62443493458
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

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