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The Four Platforms of Cannabis Use

Cannabis is the most researched plant on the planet. Over the past decade of engagements with civil society while navigating the legal minefield of unleashing Cannabis for ALL, we have identified Four Platforms of use and these are the basis of our evidence for court and parliament. We first called these the “The Four Platforms” on the advice of our late Advocate, Robin Stransham-Ford, in 2014.

Please see each page according to your interest. Contact us HERE if you have any questions and be sure to subscribe to our Free Newsletter and follow us on our social media channels.

10 Crisis Points have been identified among these uses – all of which need to be resolved through legal regulation.

Fields of Green for ALL South Africans, Africans & Citizens of the World…

Be careful what you wish for. Fields of Green for ALL’s presentation at Africa Policy Week, Cape Town, August 2023


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