In August 2017, Fields of Green for ALL hosted a Clinical Cannabis Convention in order to help consolidate our understanding of the plant and its reintegration back into society; while reconstructing ways to maximize the benefits and minimize the harms from uninformed use.

The convention was an opportunity for all medical professionals, healthcare workers, traditional healers, caregivers and patients to gain valuable insight into the various dynamics of the plant, while allowing orientated businesses and the public to also network with all those who are interested in the future of Cannabis in South Africa.


We had a day of Cannabis education that informed attendees about the latest scientific findings and about the responsible use of Cannabis. Local and international Cannabis experts spoke about the therapeutic implications of the Endocannabinoid system, the effects of consuming Cannabis and how it can be used as a tool for healing. Topics relating to the legitimacy and practicality of the Cannabis trade, as well as ethical considerations were also discussed.

The Clinical Cannabis Convention built on matters challenging the constitutionality of Cannabis arrests in “The Trial of the Plant”, currently happening at the Pretoria High Court. The Trial and Convention expanded on a judgment made earlier in 2017 by The Cape Town High Court to allow for the home use of Cannabis based on the human right to privacy. We hoped to have informed drug policy to facilitate and expedite the use of medical Cannabis for terminally ill patients.

Click on the speakers below for more info.

Dr Keith Scott
Dr Keith ScottIntroduction and Convention MC
Keith Scott’s career as a general practitioner in both city and rural practices in Southern Africa and overseas led him to gain grass roots experience with the HIV/AIDS pandemic and this led to his interest and academic involvement in drug policy in SA. Dr Scott writes for medical journals and lobbies on behalf of organisations promoting drug policy reform.
Julian Stobbs & Myrtle Clarke
Julian Stobbs & Myrtle ClarkeLet's Talk About Fields of Green for ALL
Julian Stobbs and Myrtle Clarke (aka The Dagga Couple) are the founders of Fields of Green for ALL, South Africa’s first Cannabis legalisation Non-Profit Company. Their well-publicised legal challenge will see the government in court, answering to the charges that laws prohibiting the use of Cannabis in SA are unconstitutional.
Arné Verhoef
Arné VerhoefMeet the Cannabis Plant
Arné Verhoef is a gardener with a keen interest in future crops – plants that he believes will shape the 21st century. He is a trained biologist and received practical horticultural training at a Dutch nursery. The supreme versatility of Cannabis has captured his passion as he sees this plant as one of the flagship crops of the future.
Dr Marlon Germon
Dr Marlon GermonThe Endocannabinoid System
A medical introduction to the human Endocannabinoid system. After graduating with a medical degree from the University of the Witwatersrand in 2009, Marlon journeyed to Pietermaritzburg where he worked hugely demanding shifts as a junior doctor in the public health-care sector. Disillusioned by the experience, he travelled to the United States to attend his first conference on the clinical implications of the endocannabinoid system.
Tony Budden
Tony BuddenIndustrial Cannabis' Impact on Your Health & The Environment
Tony is a founding partner at Hemporium, South Africa’s premier Hemp company, established in 1996. Tony is a globally recognized Industrial Cannabis expert having presented many international keynote addresses on Industrial Cannabis cultivation, processing, marketing and futures. Tony is an expert witness for the “Trial of the Plant”, where he will give evidence around the Industrial, Economic and Health benefits that legalisation of Hemp will bring to South Africa.
Prof. Donald Abrams
Prof. Donald AbramsCannabis and Cancer Care
Donald I. Abrams, MD. is chief of the Hematology-Oncology division at San Francisco General Hospital and a Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of California San Francisco. He has an Integrative Oncology consultation practice at the UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine. Dr Abrams is the health expert for The Trial of the Plant and he will give evidence around Cannabis as a safe treatment for many serious conditions as well as outlining the scientifically proven lack of serious harm resulting from the use of the plant.
Shaun Shelly
Shaun Shelly South African Drug Policy
Shaun Shelly is dedicated to the understanding of drug use and the development of effective drug policy and the rights of marginalised groups, including people who use drugs. Shaun’s wide range of projects involve work with national and international academic institutions, organisations and think tanks, furthering a rigorous agenda that covers policy, human rights and harm reduction.
Prof. David Nutt
Prof. David NuttPutting Science at the Heart of Policy Decisions on Cannabis and Other Drugs
Famous for being fired by the UK government for saying that taking ecstasy is safer than riding a horse, David Nutt is a British psychiatrist and neuropsycho pharmacologist specialising in the research of drugs that affect the brain. Prof Nutt is the “Scale of Harms” expert for The Trial of the Plant and his evidence is pivotal in establishing the fact that Cannabis is less harmful than both alcohol and tobacco, both legal substances in SA.
Paul-Michael Keichel
Paul-Michael Keichel The Story of The Trial of the Plant
Paul-Michael is a Senior Partner at Schindlers Attorneys who are representing The Dagga Couple during The Trail of the Plant. He has the talent to deliver creative and honestly-evaluated solutions to complex legal problems and has experience with High Court appearances, including witness interviews. Paul-Michael’s interest in the Cannabis argument goes back to his days as an undergraduate and his extensive knowledge of the Cannabis issue has facilitated his professional handling of this matter from it’s inception seven years ago.
Adv. Don Mahon
Adv. Don Mahon An Advocate's Views on Public Interest Litigation
Counsel for The Trial of the Plant. Specialising in Commercial Litigation, Don is a member of the Association of Arbitrators of Southern Africa and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. With an impressive repertoire of challenging cases under his belt, Advocate Mahon has taken on The Dagga Couple’s case with fervor.
Ethan Nadelmann
Ethan Nadelmann Drug Policy Alliance
Described by Rolling Stone as “the point man” for drug policy reform efforts and “the real drug czar,” Ethan Nadelmann is widely regarded as the outstanding proponent of drug policy reform both in the United States and abroad. He founded and directed (from 2000 to 2017) the Drug Policy Alliance.
Dr Raquel Peyraube
Dr Raquel Peyraube International observer at our Clinical Cannabis Convention
We welcome Dr Raquel Peyraube from Uruguay as an international observer at our Clinical Cannabis Convention. Dr Peyraube is Medical Doctor and specialist in the field of Drug Policy and Cannabis for Medicinal purposes. Throughout her career she has been involved in training, prevention, treatment and drug related harm reduction, including innovative theoretical and methodological developments with an emphasis on ethical issues, which earned her regional and international recognition.

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