Can using Cannabis be harmful or beneficial to one’s health?

By |Published On: October 5th, 2021|

It is difficult to talk about the perceived dangers or harms of Cannabis when over 6000 South Africans died from paracetamol poisoning last year. Cannabis has never been attributed to a single cause of death and is impossible to ingest an overdose amount. Long term heavy smoking of any substance is bound to be detrimental to the respitrary system over time.

We never refer to the plant as harmless. Nothing is harmless. There is a time and a place for Cannabis and when used responsibly it can certainly enhance your life. When someone mentions medical marijuana we say ‘don’t wait until you are sick’. People have been lead to believe Cannabis could be the cure for some ailments. We prefer to think of it as a medicine to prevent major ailments. Long term cannabis users are generally very healthy people.

The only real danger of Cannabis use is when the police get involved. This is when harm is done from Cannabis. There is an argument that suggests Cannabis use before age 21 can be detrimental to the developing brain, but we still have to be convinced by such claims.

Further reading:

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