Hi Myrtle,

So kind of you to write! 

The cannabis oil worked well for calming my Mom’s stress as she is a very highly strung person, however the problem lies with her trying to get off the Lyrica (the painkiller she is on for the nerve damage). She has massive highs and lows on the Lyrica and it’s not an easy drug to get off. She tried to lower her dosage of the Lyrica while she was on the cannabis oil, as our original plan was to use the cannabis oil in place of the Lyrica, but the side effects of coming off the Lyrica are really dangerous, epileptic fits, etc. 

So she did this slowly, but then experienced excruciating stabbing pains in her arms – she then thought to take more of the cannabis oil and made herself as high as a kite! Haha, shame man, but she didn’t freak out at all, and she said that the gaps between the stabbing pains started to lengthen quite dramatically when she was high. 

But obviously she can’t function properly being high all the time, so it seems like a bit of a problem for her to come off the Lyrica without having the pain. 

She also isn’t the most positive thinking of people so it’s hard to get her to try something for a longer period of time. I was quite sad she didn’t want to continue with the cannabis because she was honestly so much more chilled out when she was on it and seemed a lot happier.

She’s been struggling with this since 2007 so it’s been a long road for her and I think she is just over it, so she just continues with the Lyrica now. If she misses one tablet the stabbing pains come back. I’m sure it could be controlled with the cannabis over a longer period of time, but she isn’t really up for more experimentation. She likes to be in total control so getting high is what puts her off.