Hello my name is Garrick.

I just wanted to start with saying that i have signed your petition and am 100% behind you guys. i also wanna say that if you guys do scratch that… When you guys legalize weed, i am going to open a stoner shop called Stay Stoned. Why Stay Stoned, well because it is sort of my farewell saying like every-time i leave i say Stay Stoned. I will be selling everything you need to smoke weed and i will start growing and selling marijuana. i would really like to do this because at the moment i’m not to sure what to do with my life.
I have no clue what i wanna do after school, but when you legalize weed! Stay Stoned! Here we come!!!
I started smoking weed in grade 8. Now i know what you thinking maybe i actually don’t know what you thinking but i do not regret my choose to smoke weed. I love to smoke weed and i won’t stop. People say i’m addicted to weed but i have showed them that i am not. I can go without weed for weeks and months, i could even stop if i wanted to. I showed these people that i was not addicted to weed it was just my chose to smoke weed, and my choose is to “Keep Blazing and Stay Amazing” I have read a lot about this case and am really excited about it, Oh an idea just came to me about my Stay Stoned shop. I could start cooking food with weed in it! Now i know Jules dose not like food with weed because he can not cope unless i heard wrong on the radio any way i like to eat special brownies or space cookies :) what i really wanna say is you guys rock and are my new heroes! Can’t wait to celebrate the win when you guys get it!


I wrote this so stoned which i think is pretty cool to be telling a story about smocking weed and stuff and being very stoned :)

Hope to get a reply so i know someone read it.

Stay Stoned!