South Africa is nearing the September 2020 deadline in which government is meant to amend cannabis laws set out two years ago by the Constitutional Court. No tangible progress has been made by government, and coupled with the global virus pandemic, we’re not expecting parliament to have this on their to-do list. Therefore, Fields of Green for ALL is using the month of June to push a major drive to draw attention to the fact that Cannabis Can Help South Africa. Our first order of the day is to introduce our Fields of Green for ALL Stakeholders.
During June 2020, we are leveraging all of our databases, social media and terrestrial media channels, culminating in a letter to the President and his 22 government departments that will need to be involved in the legal regulation of cannabis in South Africa.
Whilst the president and these government departments are crucial stakeholders in our Cannabis Can Help South Africa campaign, by broad definition a stakeholder is:
“ANY individual, group or organisation that makes a difference or that can affect or be affected by whatever policy or law that is put in place.”
We want to emphasize that the YOU are the most important stakeholder, because YOU form the basis of our Cannabis community. It doesn’t matter whether you grow, use or trade the plant – or none of those – we need your voice to be heard! In giving all the stakeholders a chance to have their say, we can hear about the problems and challenges they are facing. This will help us create a viable path for the fair regulation of Cannabis in South Africa, a model that leaves no-one behind.
The database of Fields of Green for All stakeholders is categorised as follows:
The Fields of Green for ALL stakeholders under each category will be emailed by our Stakeholder Manager from Fields of Green for ALL in the next few weeks as part of our Cannabis Can Help South Africa campaign. It is important to note that the email addresses were obtained from publicly available sources i.e. Organisation’s websites, and we will gladly remove an email address should you want us to. This list is meant to be fluid, so we welcome any collaboration to add more stakeholders.
We look forward to input and commentary on our Cannabis Can Help South Africa campaign, our Full Spectrum Manifesto for Legal Regulation, as well as what the rest of South Africa’s cannabis legalisation journey entails.

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