Free E-book Download! Cannabis in South Africa: The People’s Plant. A Full Spectrum Manifesto for Policy Reform.
No need to mince our words here – we know what we want when it comes to Cannabis Law in South Africa, and we want it for ALL South Africans.
Countless hours have gone into producing this first of it’s kind, 115 page, final edition of our Full Spectrum Manifesto for Policy Reform E-book – Cannabis in South Africa: The People’s Plant.
We have so much gratitude for everyone who made this possible, including our much loved local and international affiliates, Fields of Green for ALL team members, design team duo Lois and Keith McKay (www.merchondemand.co.za), and every single person who has ever donated, shared our content and cause, or attended an event – we look forward to celebrating at our official DDay Manifesto Launch & Livestream on Tuesday 20th April with you ALL.
Please share this far and wide. Let’s continue to pave the way forward together, to ensure a bright green Cannabis future in South Africa, without fear of persecution, prosecution or favouritism!
Myrtle & The Fields of Green for ALL Team.
Manifesto is perfect. Thanks guys for all the efforts.
[…] you are interested in the South African cannabis industry and its future I recommend the Fields of Green Cannabis Manifesto. It is a well-research, sustainable and inclusive plan to guide the legalisation of cannabis in […]
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Hi Charity. If you subscribe to our newsletter, we will keep you in the loop.
Good afternoon, we as Balemi Agricultural Projects are interested in growing Medical Marijuana with the intent of black empowerment and leaving a 0% carbon footprint
Hi Morne, if it is your intention to grow to produce a registered medical product then you will have to go through the SAHPRA licensing system and it will cost millions. Otherwise, we all just have to wait until we have more clarification around the law. Cultivation is only allowed within private spaces for private use. There is NO prescribed amount of plants but be careful, the SAPS are still raiding homes. We have no choice but to wait. Thank you for your noble efforts.
Great site guys, well done!
I have started smoking cannabis due to my high blood pressure and anxiety, it has changed my life.
So much in fact that I am working towards a career change to become more involved with the proper use and legalisation of ALL psychedelics.
Thanks Denys, welcome to our world! There is still a huge amount of work to be done as we even said in parliament last week: Cannabis legalisation is the gateway to more rational drug policies in SA.
Tanks guys it’s really needed in our country as we can’t get employed in this country with THC in our system thank you guys this is awesome and everybody should know that
I started smoking medical cannabis due to anxiety,so i started to research about it.it really changed my life as well i support the legalization all the way
I also thank to Fields of Green for all for guiding me
Wonderful. Thank you for so much love into this hard work!!!
Oooooh yeah!