On October 22 – 23 this year, ASTM’s Committee D37 on Cannabis hosted the 3rd Annual European Workshop on Advancing the Field of Cannabis/Hemp through Standardization. The workshop was broadcast from Hotel Kings Court, Prague, Czech Republic, but was presented virtually to a host of international stakeholders.
Fields of Green for ALL was invited to present on work we’ve been doing relating to the formation of a new Standard for Dagga Private Clubs in South Africa. In this presentation, I discuss how the South African National Quality and Operational Standard for Dagga Private Clubs came about, what its aim is and all the elements it addresses. Watch the video below to find out more about this Standard and how standardization of the operations of Dagga Private Clubs can ensure that the community stays true to the integrity of the model.

Hi Marlene
Great information video, thanks for all the hard work you guys do on a daily basis to Educate communities on Medical Cannabis.
I would like to enquire some details relating to your Standard?
Who is the International Certification Body that is reviewing this Standard?
What are the timelines to this Standard?
You mentioned that DPC’s will have an offering from you for the Standard, in other words, you are saying the Standard is already in implementation in South African DPC’s?
I am a Quality Management Systems Consultant and I do know that one can draw up standards to death and they do evolve quite a bit especially when there are changes being made to the current Regulations pertaining to the Country.
You have used ISO 9001 and portions of ISO 14001 to draw up the Standard, and the Contents of your Standard looks great!
I do believe there is a huge room for some collaboration here.
I am a medical cannabis user and am a member of a DPC for over a year already.
I have requested to grow for them as well as to have a copy of my membership forms and their License to Grow and Distribute Cannabis in their Social Clubs (they have quite a few franchises) and it seems there is a huge membership number and no system specifically empowering of the member grower interest…
I would be very interested to discuss a QMS Collaboration with you as well as the next steps Green afield a for All are taking in ensuring the Standard does get reviewed as well as Publicized.
May we communicate regarding these queries?
Absolutely brilliant talk. And what a lot of work that had to go into putting this together! Well done!