The National Commissioner of the South African Police Force, General KJ Sitole, issued a directive to the entire force with regards the Constitutional Court judgement in September 2018. The directive is not dated but it appeared on our feeds mid January 2019. We asked our legal team’s opinion and their reaction was “No surprises there!”

If you are in trouble with the law with regards a Cannabis offense and the police have not taken this directive into account, you can use it (together with the ConCourt Judgement) in your defense in court.

SKM_C65819012308440 police directive 220119

The National Prosecuting Authority also issued Cannabis guidelines following the judgement and these may be of interest to you and your legal team.

NPA Cannabis Guidelines 20181016


As far as we know, these are the ONLY two official documents to come out of government departments charged with enforcing Cannabis laws since the September judgement.

We are very aware of the “rumours” that are circulating on social media that the Hawks have been given R120million to come and find everybody and bust them! However, we can’t find anything to substantiate these claims so our answer to this remains the same:

– Keep it small

– Keep it simple

– Stop trying to be first because everybody is first already, we are ALL winners!

– There are NO legitimate licenses available, nor have any legitimate licenses been issued by any government department.

– Keep your trade OFF of social media

– Don’t believe ANYTHING you hear about being able to get around the law. It is VERY difficult.

– Do your homework.


Arrests are still happening all over the country so don’t be next.

Keeping it Safe & Green…

Myrtle, Jules, William, Charl & Jo