In August 2010, we had a very heavy handed visit from the South African Police Service (SAPS) who, acting on a tip off, raided our property in search of a ‘drug lab’. What they found was a quiet middle aged couple in their pyjamas and a quantity of Cannabis Sativa (aka Dagga). We were arrested after a five hour ordeal in our kitchen, jailed, and because we had more than 115g of the substance, we were charged with dealing in Dagga. We were subsequently granted bail and released. We have always known Dagga is illegal, just like millions of other South Africans who choose to break the law every time they use this plant. We have done no harm to ourselves by ingesting the plant, and more importantly, we’ve done no harm to anyone else. As far as we can see, the only harm that comes about from using the plant is when the police arrive and treat Dagga smokers as guilty scum.
I am growing cannibus to make rso oil , having had 3rd grade cervical cancer twice. I am afraid since I know its not legal, but faced with two choices, risk it resurfacing and die, or break the law and live, I chose life.
What do I do if police arrive at my door with no warrant? Refuse to answer questions or let them in?.
And with a warrant, what do I say or not say?
The only thing I know is don’t sign admission of guilt.
Please advise, I’m totally clueless…..never had so much as a parking ticket or fine in my life as I greatly respect the law, but I can’t accept a law which basically tells me I must die because the plant that could save my life is illegal!!!!r all the info you need and to support legalisation
All the best… Myrtle