DCCTwebDuring our visit to Cape Town for the Global Cannabis March, we took the opportunity to introduce

Fields of Green for ALL to Cape Town supporters. The event also brought some of the area’s main players in the cause for re-legalisation together for the first time.



Myrtle spoke about how we need to raise awareness of the fact that we are busy building a very strong case that will need massive fund raising efforts to succeed. The gathering was filled with people who know about this plant and the ugly nature of its prohibition. It was heartening to see our mission statement at play in a room full of like-minded individuals and associations.

The Dagga Couple’s case, which is set down for March 2015, is a major area of focus as the preparation o
ver the next 10 months will bring the cause under an ever increasing spotlight. The most researched plant in history needs a multi-faceted face in court and Advocate Robin Stransham-Ford outlined the latest developments in our strategy. Securing of expert witnesses and fund raising for this purpose are two key areas where all present have a job to do. He also announced the call for a consolidation of Cannabis legal action in South Africa so that all people arrested on a Cannabis charge can join the call to have all cases struck off the role pending the outcome of the Dagga Couple’s case.


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Our affiliates within Fields of Green for ALL are pivotal in our effectiveness as an organisation and Advocate Stransham-Ford went on to explain the role of the Cancer Treatment Campaign in consolidating their interest in Cannabis as medicine while reforming approaches to all types of therapy for cancer.

We are championing our right to use this plant from all four angles at the same time and The South African National Cannabis Working Group (SANCWG) is part of The Green Network and Imiel Visser explained how their group is a forum for public debate. The working group have had valuable discussions with the Central Drug Authority and fulfill a vital role in drafting papers with research and comment that is distributed through all the right channels. With thanks to Imiel, Andre du Plessis and Alwyn Smit for all their dedicated activism.

There can never be a gathering of this kind without shouting out about all the arrests. Jeremy Acton of Iqela Lentsango: The Dagga Party of South Africa took the audience through the simple process necessary to put in an application for a Cannabis case to be put on hold as discussed by Advocate Stransham-Ford earlier. Jeremy is an expert in dealing with the courts without a lawyer. He will guide people through the process and train you in the art of dogged determination when it comes to dealing with the courts. There is an ever-increasing cohesion in the options that are available for people who find themselves on the “wrong side” of the law. Thanks to Jeremy for being there, teaching people to know their rights.

The Hotel Verde was the perfect setting for the launch, thanks to management and staff at Africa’s greenest hotel for the great discount and inspiring surroundings.