As we were burning the midnight oil last week Thursday to get our commentary for the Cannabis Bill out before the deadline the next day, at the final hour government extended it to the 30th November 2020. Fields of Green for ALL is one of many voices in this conversation, and there are other organisations working towards the same goal. Here are their commentaries, including ours, allowing government and our supporters to read the commonalities and differences, all in one convenient place.
Our commentary and input is based on our Full Spectrum Manifesto for Policy Reform document, an evidence based approach that government can use to help formulate sensible Cannabis laws. Over many years, with extensive input from Cannabis experts locally and internationally, our manifesto outlines how South Africa can create a unique Cannabis industry that is community based, accessible, and enforceable, without needing police involvement.
If anyone would like to share their own commentary or analysis of the bill with Fields of Green for ALL, either contact us via our social media or email Myrtle Clarke on myrtle@fieldsofgreenforall.org.za or Suresh Patel on suresh@fieldsofgreenforall.org.za.

This is how you regulate nuclear weapons, not plants. Not even the math adds up in this primary school bill. It makes no sense from a biological or scientific angle. They still think we smoke the leaves, so go figure. No wonder there is only negative feedback! Whoever came up with this nonsense needs to go back to school. You cannot create regulations out of fear for something you do not understand. You should study the subject and create evidence based regulations…. and that has already been done by Fields of Green for ALL in our manifesto.