Invitation to Judge
This is your official invitation to be a judge! All proceeds are in aid of Fields of Green for ALL and our seemingly never-ending quest for the legal regulation of Cannabis for ALL South Africans, Africans and citizens of the world.
Please feel free to forward this invite to your friends but note that this is a private event so NO SOCIAL MEDIA before the day.
Everyone with a ticket purchased online will be given access to judge the entrants on their phones.
The History of The Amber Cup
The 1st spontaneous Amber Cup was held at The Jazzfarm in 2016 as friends and family gathered to dab away our sorrows after our “Weedstock” festival was shut down at the last minute by the cops. People had already arrived from far and wide and a spontaneous competition was born out of the huge variety of delicious concentrates on our stoep table. With creative juices flowing, the usual “you know what you should do…” conversation led to the seed being planted and the 2nd, official, Amber Cup was held in 2018 (In 2017 we were too busy with The Trial of the Plant to think of much else).
Everyone who knew our beloved Jules knew that he loved to dab! It was his preferred Cannabis delivery method. From the early days of making RSO in a rice cooker, Jules and his fellow dab connoisseurs honed their craft as the culture of vaporising concentrates began to grow in South Africa. One cannot separate the dab from the glass and Jules became an avid collector of dab rigs. The crazily creative art of glass blowing gives this part of Cannabis culture an edge that connects people across the globe.
Jules would be proud of us for upping the game for this year’s Amber Cup. We are excited to be introducing a software-based voting system that will calculate the winners accurately and speedily! Brought to us by Cannabis Club Systems from Madrid, Spain, this cup software has been piloted across Europe with great success. All entries will be lab tested by our dear friends from Qure Labs, who will be travelling to Joburg for the event.
Invitation to Enter
Contact us here if you would like more info about entering, sponsorship or to apply for one of the limited stalls available.
Please note that FGA Affiliates & stall holders whose goods fit with the dabbing world will be given preference.
8 BHO finalists and 6 Rosin finalists will be chosen to exhibit and offer their wares for final judging by everyone present on the day.
Along with trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in each category, our sponsors are lining up great goodies for the best finalist exhibition stand and a judges’ lucky draw.
I do not think I could judge a plant online. It would have to be a tactile sensory experience.
Entries are all judged at the event on the day by everyone who attends as everyone is a judge. Maybe re-read the post! Thanks for your interest.