In the news this week a political furore erupted around the Sudanese President, the ICC and the African Union. Are these international treaties worth anything?
South Africa is a signatory to the United Nations 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. So seeing as our nation’s signature in the international rule books has been in the news this week, we thought we would give you some insight into what is going on in this regard right here in SA. Should South Africa take the lead from Uruguay and legislate in contravention of the international agreements? We were given an insight into the world of this UN Convention when Dr Lochan Naidoo made a presentation to the hearings held by the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Health. He was commenting on the Medial Innovation Bill.
↑↑↑Here is the recording (35mins) and an abbreviated transcript of Dr Naidoo’s speech. Remember that he is the doctor who said that opiates are not addictive? He uses a slide during his presentation that attempts to illustrate Cannabis causing cognitive “holes” in the brain but all we could find were huge holes in his approach, pointing to his agenda as a purveyor of private addiction therapy and training. This is not a hidden agenda, just one that is playing to the audience. As you heard in our last recordings , the audience at the hearings comprised of some seriously under-informed people, as well as others with various funding agendas.
Dr Naidoo is keeping his audience just that little bit in the dark. He is not saying anything about the fact that the walls are tumbling down around the UN Drugs Conventions. Fields of Green for ALL is a member of a steering committee as part of the Global Forum of Producers of Prohibited Plants. This committee reports to the Civil Society Task Force at #UNGASS2016 in New York in April 2016. The conversation is vastly more sophisticated and advanced than Dr Naidoo’s simplistic rants about addiction.
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