We Promised You Experts…

By |Published On: November 26th, 2015|

Dr Carl Hart


“I have to make sure that I don’t engage in conversations with people who don’t abide by the rules of evidence.” – Dr Carl Hart




There are few words to describe our excitement and gratitude to Dr Carl Hart, Scientist, Activist and Educator, for agreeing to come to South Africa to be an expert witness at The Trial of the Plant.

Dr Hart is a Neuropsychopharmacologist at Columbia University, New York. He conducts research and teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in Neuroscience, Psychology and Pharmacology. Dr Hart is a world class scientist who has been awarded multiple multi-million dollar grants to study the complex interactions between recreational drugs and the neurobiological and environmental factors that mediate human behaviour and physiology.

In terms of Cannabis re-legalisation in South Africa, The Dagga Couple and Fields of Green for ALL have always maintained the supreme importance of Responsible Adult Use as the umbrella platform for all Four Platforms of use. It is our Human Right to use this plant to balance our bodies and our minds. Dr Hart brings extensive personal and professional experience to the Pretoria High Court in March 2016. He grew up in an impoverished neighbourhood in Miami, engaging in drug use and petty crime in his youth. He joined the US Air Force and this became his gateway to higher education. He is completely committed to his work with community groups and government officials to bring about effective drug policies and treatments.

High Price (1)Dr Hart is very well published and his website is an excellent way to get to know our esteemed guest before the Trail of the Plant. His book, High Price – A Neuroscientist’s Journey of Self-Discovery that Challenges Everything You Know About Drugs and Society, says:

I kept a gun in my car. I engaged in petty crime.
I used and sold drugs. Today I am a professor at Columbia University who studies drug addiction and what I’ve discovered can be used to produce a more humane and effective criminal justice policy.”

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We look forward to giving Dr Hart a warm South African welcome but most of all, we look forward to the look on our opposition’s faces when they hear his evidence! Onward to Victory…. AND PLEASE DON’T FORGET YOUR CONTRIBUTION to the costs of our expert witnesses on our Indiegogo Crowd Funding Campaign.

Carl Hart Meme

Thanks to our friends at GreenFlower Media for this meme! http://greenflowermedia.com/

Thank you to our FGA Affiliates who help to make our ongoing content creation possible!

Thank you to our FGA Affiliates who help to make our ongoing content creation possible!


About the Author: Myrtle Clarke

Everyone here on TGN should know who I am!

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One Comment

  1. Matthew Wallis November 26, 2015 at 5:51 am - Reply

    This is fantastic, but you know how much one gives a statement or an opinion, still a lot of my friends just sit on the fence, cos they know that this government reminds them of the quote by Helen Keller and this refers to our pathetic leadership, “The most pathetic person in the world is someone with sight, but has no vision.”

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