Fields of Green for ALL End of Year December 2022

We’ve reached the end of another crazy, busy year for the Cannabis Community.  So much new information, so much misinformation, so many new ‘legal’ industry players and yet, still  …  so many arrests taking place every. single. day!

We’d like to take a minute to thank you, our loyal supporters, members of The Green Network and Affiliate companies, for the role you have played in this very significant fight for our Constitutional rights.

Thank you for every blog post you’ve read. For every Hotbox Show you’ve watched. For every social media post that you’ve liked, shared or commented on. Thank you for showing up to protests, marches, gatherings, markets and local entertainment events across our beautiful country. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for joining the collective voice of our Cannabis Community. Together we will make that voice heard, with top drug law experts by our side. We will never give up fighting for evidence-based laws and regulations.

With the end of 2022 drawing near we have already set our sights on the tasks at hand for the coming year. There are four very important cases coming up that we are involved in:

  • Most of the industry is aware that The Haze Club case has been granted Leave to Appeal. We are very proud to announce that Paul-Michael Keichel from Cullinan & Associates, South Africa’s TOP Drug Law Expert and Head of the Legal Team for the Trial of the Plant 2, has joined the Haze Club legal team, together with his colleague, our dear Brother Green, Ricky Stone. Under their guidance, we look forward to a well-thought-out case being presented to the Supreme Court of Appeal.
  • The next case we’re assisting with is Bernadette Enever’s Labour Court Appeal. This is an incredibly important case where Cannabis takes on Corporate, as we continue our quest for evidence-based Cannabis policies, even in the workplace. We’ve been helping Berny raise the funds she needs to pay her legal team, who are, very kindly, already on board at a heavily discounted fee, as they recognise the importance of this case.
  • We’re also chatting with The Centre of Applied Legal Studies at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg about what we can do about the ongoing police harassment, assault, extortion and arrests. Together we’re hoping to chart a way forward in halting this continued unconstitutional behaviour from our so-called law enforcement agencies.
  • The Trial of the Plant 2 will take up a lot of our time and attention in the coming months. We cannot afford to get this wrong, the human rights of ALL South Africans hang in the balance as we prepare to pick up our battle axes to wage this fight against the Last Apartheid Law!!

The new year brings new opportunities to invest in our beloved plant mission & support real change with the upcoming Trial of the Plant 2. We are looking forward to you being part of Fields of Green for ALL’s efforts, with Myrtle Clarke leading the way & every step in memory of our beloved Jules & all those who have shone the light so far.

Thank you for your continued support & wishing you and your loved ones a peaceful rest over the holiday season. We look forward to 2023, rooted together, leading positive change for our Cannabis community. Cultivating prosperity & hope against all odds.

Know Your Rights

Please save our helpline number … 063 174 0938 … on your phone, because remember, Cannabis still isn’t legal in South Africa until we see our beloved plant taken out of the schedules and, most importantly, out of the 1992 Drugs & Drugs Trafficking Act.