Ultra marathon runner Henry Mngomezulu was in Cape Town for the 2014 Two Oceans Marathon. Dagga Couple supporter and Green Network member Matthew Eriksen met Henry at the finish line. Sorry we couldn’t make it Henry ,just a bit too far to travel and sorry we missed your departure at the bus station in Johannesburg. It was only 2 days until 4.20, and the DC were in two places at once most of the time. A well done has to also go to Matthew for taking the initiative and being a fine emissary for Fields of Green For All AND getting an interview.

Henry said he had to work hard to finish in under 6 hours 30 mins, earning himself a Bronze medal. We admire your dedication and tenacity Henry!

If you’re not familiar with Henry’s story and how the powers of the Cannabis plant are part of his regimen to control and live with HIV,

here is a short Dagga Couple video of Henry in the 2013 Comrades Marathon: