This isn’t the first time we’ve visited the subject of aerial pesticide spraying in an vain attempt to eradicate Dagga. The subject last surfaced in the 2011/12 growing season in the Eastern Cape. SAPS Air Wing USA funded Squirrel helicopters were photographed in Lusikisiki with spray equipment full of Monsanto’s infamous ‘Roundup Turbo‘
It is now the 2014/15 growing season and the helicopters have returned. We had notification from a supporter via Facebook with photographs, and another independent conversation on the ground in Port t Johns by phone. As of this weekend (31st January 2015) the three Squirrel spray helicopters and the 4 door camera unit are grounded at a resort on the river outside PSJ. High winds are hampering spraying operations. (the roundup product label warns us of the dangers of spraying in winds over 10km/h).
Our source tells us the unit plan to go inland to Lusikisiki this week.
American funded involvement in the Southern Transkei/Eastern Cape isn’t a new concept. Extensive military manoeuvers were conducted as recently as two years ago in the area. The spray helicopters in commission with the SAPS Air Wing started entering the country in 2004. The US Drug Enforcement Agency donated them to up the stakes in the South African ‘War on Drugs’.
We are aware of the continued DEA sponsorship of equipment and expertise into SA in 2015 to combat the ‘drug scourge’ with recent reports of more DEA involvement on the streets of Cape Town.
More than 10 years have passed and still the authorities believe their drug ‘war’ is winnable. The DEA in particular know more than any other organisation how futile their attempts have been to thwart the sale and production of ‘illegal’ substances in the Americas.
It is easy to find news reports going back to the early 1980’s of dagga spraying operations, not only in the Transkei but in other established growing areas on the Eastern seaboard, notably KwaZulu Natal and even as a friendly gesture to our Southern African neighbours in Swaziland prior to the football World Cup in 2010.
The resultant newspaper reports of “Dagga Poisons Raise Environmental Alarm” and studies of an “Evidence Of Poison” from airborne crop spraying don’t seem to have had any impact on public sentiment over the last 30 years. If the spraying was being done over the suburbs of Johannesburg or Cape Town the reaction would probably be a tad more vocal.
So what to do? The environmental impact of ANY crop spraying whether for protection from pests, or the eradication of weed(s) is well know the world over. Do the SAPS pilots concerned have adequate training for crop spraying ops?. Police statements are conflicting. Some play down the risks to other crops, other statements warn that ‘if you don’t remove the dagga, all the crops will be killed’.
At the time of publication, we still had not found any Environmental Impact Study concerning Dagga Ops in either the Eastern Cape or KZN.
And what of the SAPS Air Wing itself? How come there is a dagga unit of 4 helicopters plus pilots and ground crew operating as we write, while the rest of the Air Wing ‘gathers dust‘, attracts controversy over pilot shortages, and reveals a list of maintenance woes that have crippled the majority of the fixed and rotary wing fleet.
Something ain’t right. It never is in the land of Dagga, especially Air Wing Dagga Ops.
The last time we did a presentation in Port Elizabeth, a supporter came up to us with startling information about reported birth defects in the Southern Transkei. In particular, cleft palates in newborns, were becoming more and more common. We have neither the time nor the resources to dedicate to research on the correlations between spraying and birth defects but a shallow trawl of the web does indeed substantiate this seemingly more concentrated birth defect phenomena in the E. Cape, some as recently as a year ago. The E. Cape regional health department concede there is a high prevalence of deformed births. As far back as 2008, international children’s medical charity ‘Operation Smile’ began a program of cleft palate surgery in the Transkei.
It makes you wonder doesn’t it? Even if it has nothing to do with the mist falling from the sky, what about the hundreds of discarded plastic 20l poison drums now being used to carry water? A bit of a flush out with sunlight soap and they are as good as new…..
There isn’t a single living organism on the mountainsides of Pondoland that isn’t affected by the aerial spraying. Roundup is indiscriminate. Undoubtedly there are huge tracts of land given over only to dagga cultivation in wildly inaccessible places at the heads of steep valleys, far from human habitation – but the spraying doesn’t stop at that. There have been reports of mamas in their food crops waving white flags as another low level pass commences over their kraals.
In 2003, the E. Cape Dept of Health published their findings on the matter of birth defects and agricultural pesticides.
Unsurprisingly, they found a correlation between the two.
It’s not just the South African cannabis community who should be incensed by this. All South Africans should be. Whatever your personal opinions are of the cannabis plant, the indiscriminate low level spraying of communities to eradicate the plant must surely seem wrong at every level?
After 30 years or more of Dagga Ops in the Transkei, did the harvests decrease? Did demand drop? Were the perpetrators brought to justice? Did anyone in rural Transkei benefit?
The SAPS Air Wing careers description informs the prospective candidate that Air Wing pilots “are used in many policing operations such as crime prevention, vehicle tracking and pursuit, dagga plantation spraying, crowd control and monitoring, VIP transport and even search and rescue operations.”
There are even bursaries for prospective trainee pilots in 2015 if you fancy some glamour and excitement in special operations.
One last thing worth mentioning – our local eyes and ears in PSJ remarked that the pilots have been engaged in conversation at the resort they are staying in. They all realise the far reaching affects of the spraying and they all feel bad about their assignment, but ‘a job’s a job’. They aren’t volunteers. “Some of them are even smoking weed” was the report we got two days ago……..
Even the pilots are innocent.
When reading Ian F. Bentley’s and Caveman’s comments it really made sense. It’s unbelievable what Big Corporate Moguls who control most of the worlds’ governments will stoop to to achieve their ends. We need to keep Our Ladies Sativa and Indica out of the control of the Corporatocracy at all costs and keep it under the control of the smaller, unaffiliated business enterprises – this includes the industrial side of it so that the people can benefit. Also, monopoly laws should be invoked in this instance. No single entity should be able to monopolize the trade. Government is also going to be a problem as regards taxation, making the product inaccessible to most people who need to use it. I receive a social security pension and it’s hard enough to get by on R1400.00 pm. never-mind trying to fork out 70-100 bucks for a gram of Khush, etc, and how long does that last. Just look at the taxation rates in Oregon-absolutely sky-high. We also need to push for licence to grow for our individual basic needs, the same as we grow tomatoes and suchlike; say 5 plants per person which would meet a smoker’s basic daily needs for the whole year As I want to reiterate, many,many people cannot afford to pay the price in this country as to what they pay in the States and Canada what with the exchange rate being what it is and all. What’s the point in legalizing it and then pricing it way out of the reach of the poor and the needy. What’s the point if, when Big Pharma and the hospitals and the doctors they control have exhausted all the patient’s resources, only to have them unable to afford an alternative cannabis based medicine.I realize that the decriminalization process is still in it’s infancy but we seriously need to regard the facts as stated and push for the homegrow.
In closing I’d like to quote what the late George Carlin said about Government and the Corporatocracy: ” It’s an exclusive Club and you’re not in it.” LET’S KEEP IT IN THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE!
We kill our weed here and then america sells us durban poison in the future. We got perfect climate and good history… Let’s teach the future generations about sustainability.
Weed for life. Love the herb, the greatest gift from nature and its illegal. It has so many benefits yet higher power is brainwashed by negative false claims on cannabis. If its legal or not we’ll still smoke it. May it be for religious reasons, medical or recreational. No shall ever stoped us. If the government won’t share the powerful benefits of the herb, there’s something wrong with them. We need to snap out of the old weed facts and look at the bigger picture. Legislation would be the best thing to ever happen to South Africa! I would love to see the day. But until then I’ll enjoy this “illegal drug”, and all its beautiful benefits. Until the government thinks about their people crying out and let’s everyone enjoy this sacred plant. Free the herb! We can do this my friends we just need to keep up our fight not only for us but hopefully for the world to realise this amazing plant. So you can have your alcohol and ciggarets and prescription drugs, alli don’t want them all o want is the herb. Yet teenagers can drink until the die, or take enough pills to put them in a coma, and that’s fine, but when you catch your child smoking weed they are punished for something that could save their life. When I was a teenager I almost died from alcohol, my parents hoped I learned my lesson, I didn’t even get punished. When I discovered weed, I felt like it saved me. Since I smoked weed I haven’t touch alcohol, or any other harmful drug, stimulant etc. I became closer to god and became more loving and kind, abusing alcohol made me depressed and suicidal. So you can have your bottle of whiskey, I’ll have my plant, which saved my life. If you believe weed should be illegal you most definitely haven’t experienced not only the health and spiritual benefits but most importantly the right way to life. To all the pro cannabis organisations to the local weed dealer trying to make enough just to eat. I respect you with all my heart. May Jah be with you. Give it fire
As a pharmacist I have done a fair bit of the positive and negative effects of matijuana, comparing science based evidence with common misconceptions and misnomer and can honestly state that In my opinion the possible health benefits far outweigh the risks. Now, through this spraying of crops, the government tips the health vs risk scale further to a negative. It’s disappointing how a narrow minded approach by a few individuals with power can have such a far reaching negative effect. Something must be done.
Has anyone tried a petition like they do Avaas. Im not good at these IT things but would recommend it.
In the USA the decriminalisation of cannabis is said to be imminent. Once that happens the corporatisation of the substance is inevitable. Meanwhile in the RSA, American corporate and government interests are using their local puppets to eradicate well known strains of superior weed and in the process destroying their future competition. I suspect that has been the motivation for the global “War on Drugs” for a considerable length of time.
Utterly detestable. What kind of a twisted, US-corporate-sponsored sicko came up with this? Seems our beloved government is complicit in the blatant poisoning of it’s own people for a few backhanders and some free helicopters. What other motive could possibly exist? Certainly no logic has been applied. This story needs to go big.
What about the people who smoke this Poisond dagga. Because the growers pick the Poisond marijuana and sell it to the man on the street. You find people with all kinds of ailments because of the Poisond dope. Please stop this.
The cattle die because of the spraying, and tha taxpayers pay for compensation? Needless to mention everything else in nature that dies out because of this. The water is contaminated and that then runs into the ocean. Do they stop to think?
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PEACE ✌✌✌✌✌
This is a serious and very different matter. Urgent court interdicts should be brought to order a stop to this foolishness so that the impact on the soil as well as other plants, animals and people can be assessed.