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The Haze Club Arrests

By |2020-11-04T10:37:29+02:00October 29th, 2020|

On October 13th, 2020 SAPS Western Cape did what they do so well - performed a raid at a perceived hydroponic dagga "laboratory" in Ottery. We soon found out that it was The Haze Club - a Growers Club who practice our Constitutional Right to Privacy on behalf of members of

Full Spectrum Manifesto Update

By |2020-10-14T13:32:00+02:00October 14th, 2020|

Our manifesto, called the Full Spectrum Model for the Legal Regulation of Cannabis in South Africa, has been the cornerstone of our activism work, and forms the foundation from which we constantly refer back to in the various discussions we’ve had with stakeholders.  Whilst the manifesto in its current form has

The 2020 Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill and The 20 Principles for the Responsible Legal Regulation of Cannabis

By |2020-09-22T14:36:31+02:00September 15th, 2020|

Our activist friends at the International Drug Policy Consortium released a striking infographic this week on how to responsibly regulate Dagga. We realised this would be the perfect measuring stick for the current proposed Bill, so we took a closer look to see if it compares to our proposed legislation model.   When it

Stokvel and Dagga Private Clubs

By |2023-04-28T10:53:41+02:00September 14th, 2020|

As it becomes more and more apparent that the law makers are not planning on doing the research needed for fair and reasonable policy reform when it comes to Cannabis, the more South Africans are realising that it is time to take matters into our own hands. Dagga Private Clubs are

Dagga in the Mail

By |2020-12-10T12:23:20+02:00September 9th, 2020|

So what does the privacy judgment say about mailing dagga? And what do the police do about it? Since the judgement on 18 September 2018, pretty much the second most common subject in calls we receive at Join The Queue Dagga Arrest Helpline is about sending dagga in the mail.. It

Dagga Couple Early Days: Jozi Underground

By |2020-09-11T10:50:51+02:00September 7th, 2020|

Every journey starts somewhere. In the Dagga Couple Ted Talk, Jules and Myrtle explained how they became the reluctant activists and how their journey started. Since the beginning, it was all about cognitive liberation and the freedom to put into our bodies what we want. In the early days, Myrtle and

Good People Disobey Bad Laws

By |2020-09-11T11:06:31+02:00September 1st, 2020|

When laws become bad and unjust, it's a difficult thing finding the balance between being a good person and being a law-abiding citizen. Laws should be in place to protect citizens, to prevent complete chaos and to maintain a reasonable standard of living. It must enhance society and play a productive,


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