The Dagga Couple’s campaign has just moved into top gear. With the launch of South Africa’s first non-profit Cannabis legalisation organisation, Fields of Green for ALL, we are ready to take on the world. As the name says, ALL South Africans are invited to be part of the conversation.
Jules & Myrtle have found it increasingly difficult to keep up with all aspects of the process. We only have one chance at this in the courts and we need to gather all the experts under one “roof”. We also need to raise the considerable amount of money that is necessary to do a good job. As two individuals, we need to graduate into being a professional organisation to pave the way forward. As The Dagga Couple, we will continue with all aspects of social activism, public awareness, awesome events and everything that you know us for – business as usual at DC central!
However, should you wish to be part of the inner circle and help frame the picture for after the end of prohibition, as well as receive expert advice should you find yourself on the wrong side of these unjust laws, please join The Green Network:
You are invited to the official launch of the organisation which will be held on
Wednesday 12 February 2014 at The Living Room, Maboneng Precinct, Johannesburg.
We will be announcing significant developments in our case and sharing our vision for the way forward.
Please share this invite with your friends and media contacts.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Myrtle, Jules, The Dagga Couple Crew & Fields of Green for ALL Directors & Staff.
Good evening Team Fields of Green for all.The ECBC (Eastern Cape Black Chamber executive would like to invite your team of Profesionals to come and give a presentation in Port-Elizabeth or even if we can meet up with you guys where ever you are based in our country.We are a Business Organization that ventures into the New Medical Cannibus and Cannibus production market.Can you please assist us.
Please tell me where to get cannibus oil…..or how to I make it myself….lol….I have now suffered from Andio Neurotic Oedema for 30 year. NOTHING HELPS AND FOR 5 YEARS NOW I TAKE TwO COTIZONE Tablets a day!!..I am desperate to try anrthing else…….where can I get my hands on cannabis oil…….if it helps for so many things..why can it not work for me?
Dear Dagga Couple
Wonderful site. I would like to be get more activly involved in the community.
Specificaly Growing and Distributing Medical Marijuana.
Please let me know is this possible.
Hi Christopher,
The best is for you to join The Green Network. Go to We are still quite a way from legalisation but it is best for people who have a desire to become part of the industry when it is legal to start preparing now!
See you on The Green Network!
Yes guys I thank people like you who has a vission of what this herb can do to people continue blowing out the message south africa will thank you in the future
Hi, I am 17 year old girl suffering from from bipolar disorder and major deppresive disorder, I am usually sad and sometyms overly excited. When I smoke weed I feel calm and better but when I am on my medication I feel like a zombie, slow and toooooooooo sleepy. is it possible for me to get marijuana products ? I’d also love to join and support this organisation
When legalization comes, in particular for medicine, expertise will be needed to make this a positive change. I will be more than willing to share my accumulated experience in both the horticultural, processing and care-giving fields. So many people can be helped.
Hello Moorrees. The brand new fields of Green website went live today. You might wan’t to consider joining the Green Network – a portal of South African professionals and cannabis enthusiasts all looking to a post prohibition cannabis landscape…
Please I need to buy the cannabis oil that cure cancer
Can you please help me, by telling me where I can order some?
Regards Susan
I suffer with chronic Fybromyalgia – I would love to join your organisation! Am hoping one day medical Marijuana will help me!
Hello Colleen. just to let you know – the brand new Fields Of Green for ALL website went live today. Maybe you’d consider joining our Green Network…..
My mom is has been suffering for 3 years now with breast cancer metastases to the bone and lung. It has been a tedious few years. We have exhausted ALL conventional therapies and most natural protocols too. We have always trusted and believed in cannabis. We are using it to control her pain. We will be part of any movement that encourages the legalisation of this amazing herb.
I have been asked to procure some medical marijuana for a cancer sufferer in the UK – can you help?
Many thanks
Hello joey. Please eamail us
My husband suffers from chrons disease. This will help him a great deal if he can use canabis drops. It is tested and used in isreal and keeps chrons in remition. Please tell me. How can I help you ? I’d like to help.
Hello Sharon. mail us
Definitely got the date and time “4 : 20” for this years celebration.
As an idea and because no matter what, someone gets left out, how about we borrow the braai T.V. commercial and organise a 2014 light-up in April, all over Southern Africa – and whoever wants to be included just do so. All the Mutha Cities [C.T., Bloem and Pretoria] can organize get together Dagga Doobie Fire-ups.
We can have the first internationally recorded 4:20 event ever posting everybody, showing solidarity.
The All South African Dagga Couple’s Annual April 4th, 4:20pm lighting of liberation.
I’m in. I’ll also be buying my desert first ;) this time around.