The South African Cancer Association released a document outlining their position on Dagga as medicine.
While we were delighted they released their opinions on the matter, as so many Govt backed institutions don’t bother to do, it’s a terrible cut and paste from another era. It’s not so much a position paper, it’s more like a misinformed stab at the history and botany of the plant itself.Their findings that there are plenty of medical alternatives to Dagga in SA to assist in curing cancer and it’s associated symptoms, is surely a very short sighted and dated opinion.
This fact sheet by the National Cancer Institute about cannabis (dagga) and cancer is far more professional and well-researched than that released by our own CANSA, which comes across as very biased towards conventional treatments such as big pharma drugs and chemotherapy. The linked report actually goes into the meat of just how the cannabinoids have been shown to eliminate unhealthy (cancerous) cells in the body while leaving healthy cells intact.
You can also take a look at Rick Simpson’s ‘Run from the Cure’ documentary and his page on Facebook:
This “fact-sheet” is pure bull – organisations like “CANSA” are part of the cancer problem as they have institutionalized so called “treatment” of the disease instead of looking at the causes and admitting that the effects of said “treatments” simply make things worse.
We have the right to self-medicate and do not have to rely on the medical world or pharmaceuticals companies when we can grow it in our gardens. Cannabis is undoubtedly a powerful medicine when used correctly – as well as a mind-altering plant when used in moderation recreationally.