As we move into the last week of January, this is probably the “latest” New Year greeting you’ll get! Happy New Year Fields of Green for ALL! Here in the office we’ve been reeling with the pace of the start of this very important year. 2014 ended and 2015 started with hardly a break in between as years of work start to pay off and our various projects start to “come of age”. Just to remind you of the role of this organisation in the greater Cannabis legalisation movement: “Fields of Green for ALL is an electronic platform that serves as a clearing house for information in the Cannabis constituency. It serves as an information and activity exchange and as such is an evidence provider for the trial of the plant.” We are soldiering on towards this all important trial which, depending on the readiness of all parties concerned, will be set down for the latter part of this year. We encourage all our supporters, members, affiliates & partners to take note of our overall strategy – the trial of the plant across all four platforms.
All discussions around legalisation of Cannabis in South Africa should start with these four platforms. Fields of Green for ALL was named with these in mind (full credit to Jeremy Acton of Iqela Letsango, The Dagga Party of South Africa, for the idea). We are reorganising the menu on our website to make this, the foundation of our arguments, more clear.
So the next time someone asks you about our plans, you start by explaining the four platforms. Makes sense, doesn’t it?
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