On Friday 20 November the Pretoria High Court granted permission for Clifford Thorp to join the DC case.
After lengthy discussions with our legal team at Schindlers, we decided to go ahead with the application as it became clear that we would need solid grounds upon which to claim the medical benefits of Cannabis in South Africa.
We are both fit and well and there was always going to be the outside chance that the judge will hold this against us – “Why are you claiming your right to use this plant as medicine if you are not sick?”… or something to that effect.

As everybody who is familiar with our campaign knows, we are adamant that our first priority is Responsible Adult Use. However, it is essential to make sure that all of our evidence is watertight.

Clifford was arrested at his home in Boksburg on Johannesburg’s East Rand in January 2015. He suffers from osteoporosis of the lower spine, diverticulosis of the colon, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and melanoma. After a long battle with the side effects of pharmaceutical medication he found that Cannabis, in various forms, provided the best relief.

When he was arrested, the police and the media made a very big deal about the fact that he had an immaculate garden and also kept pet tortoises. The tortoises, which had been Cliff’s pets since childhood – one was 48 years old – were confiscated.
Like any Cannabis user in South Africa who has had their home invaded by the police, Clifford and his wife have been through a very tough time.

They were severely ostracised by their local community and have sold their house and moved away from an area where they have been living for many years.
You can read about the bust (in Afrikaans) here:

The fact that Clifford is joining our case makes no difference to our evidence or our expert witnesses and he fully supports the legalisation of Cannabis for ALL South Africans for ALL uses.
He is not bringing any extra evidence to the trial other than his experience of being arrested and the medical conditions that he treats successfully with Cannabis.

The Dagga Couple continue to fight their case on ALL FOUR PLATFORMS, with Responsible Adult Use being the main area of argument.

We thank Clifford and his wife for their contribution.

Jules and Myrtle