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Dagga Couple Legal Case Timeline and Documents2021-11-09T08:03:05+02:00

Legal Case Timeline

This is a timeline of our journey through the courts since our arrest in 2010. Our progress has been slow but steady since we were granted a Stay in Prosecution and the end is in sight despite us being in limbo with The Trial of the Plant . We have spent the major part of our campaign creating awareness, garnering support and raising funds.

All legal documents contained in this timeline and pertaining to our case are linked to Fields of Green for ALL Resources / Downloads page under LEGAL. All of these documents are in the public domain and we ask that you sign up for our newsletter in order to download or view them.

January 2019

We Love Our Lawyers!

By |January 28th, 2019|

As another year launches into full swing here at Fields of Green for ALL, it is good to make time to be grateful. We have been reflecting on 2018 -

September 2018

The Constitutional Right To Privacy

By |September 18th, 2018|

In a unanimous decision, The Constitutional Court Of South Africa declared the prohibition of cannabis possession, cultivation and consumption in 'a private space' invalid. Cannabis/Dagga was decriminalised in

June 2018

JoinTheQueue Takes On The NPA

By |June 7th, 2018|

While South Africa waits with baited breath for an answer from our esteemed judges in green at the Constitutional Court, the police have not let up in their quest to lock

November 2017

October 2017

August 2017

The Trial of the Plant – Written Record

By |August 24th, 2017|

Before the start of the trial, Judge Ranchod requested a transcript of the proceedings and our legal team agreed that this would be very useful. Together with the defendants, we

The Trial of the Plant

By |August 18th, 2017|

Trial of the Plant  - Notes day by day. After 7 years of hard work the trial eventually starts. What follows is a summary of proceedings with links to the

July 2017

April 2017

March 2017

Schindlers Attorneys Reply To DFL

By |March 6th, 2017|

After Doctors For Life demand R2.5 million to defend their medical case, Schindlers Attorneys reply to their demands in no uncertain terms. The fact that they voluntarily requested to be

November 2016

October 2016

July 2016

February 2016

Our Discovery Affidavit is handed in.

By |February 25th, 2016|

February 2016: "Discovery" is a pre-trial procedure whereby the parties make available the evidence that they will be using in the trial. This takes the form of a summarised affidavit

January 2016

December 2015

Crowdfunding for our Expert Witnesses

By |December 5th, 2015|

During November and December 2015 we ran a campaign to raise funds for expenses related to the Expert Witnesses for The Trail of the Plant. 424 backers donated $25286.00, which has been

November 2015

October 2015

A Third Plaintiff Joins Our Case

By |October 29th, 2015|

October 2015: Clifford Thorp joins our case. Clifford suffered a raid at his home east of Johannesburg and subsequently retained the services of Schindlers Attorneys. Upon hearing his story and

July 2015

May 2015

Farewell to Advocate Robin Stransham-Ford

By |May 3rd, 2015|

30 April 2015: We bid farewell to the captain of our ship as Robin loses his battle with cancer. Together with Mario Oriani-Ambrosini, the outspoken author of the Medical Innovation


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