Jodie Emery at “Jodie’s Joint”, Toronto. (photo credit: The Georgia Straight)

Round about the same time as Marc Emery was jailed in the USA for selling seeds online, the Dagga Couple were embarking on their legalisation journey through the courts of South Africa.
By 2012 we were writing to Marc in prison in Mississippi and regularly watching his wife Jodie updating us on Pot TV about Marc and all things Canadian legalisation. Like most of the cannabis world, we were watching when Marc was released from jail and returned to Canada.



In 2014 we met both Jodie and Marc at the High Times Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam for the first time. We spent some time with them at one of the Sensi Seeds guest apartments and were in the front row when Marc was awarded his lifetime achievement award from Sensi Seeds owner and pioneer, Ben Dronkers.


World Cannabis Conference, Spannabis, Barcelona.

In 2015 we crossed paths again at Spannabis, Europe’s biggest Cannabis Expo on the outskirts of Barcelona where Marc was speaking at the World Cannabis Conference, and got to know Jodie some more.

That was the last time we met, but we ‘see’ each other regularly on social media and we followed their arrest, court appearances and unusually hefty fines for their civil disobedience in 2017.
Over the last eight years, Jodie has been a constant source of inspiration to us, and we consider her to be the most eloquent of  cannabis legalisation speakers.
She’s got the argument down pat and is a mighty fine ambassador for the plant.

“We Are Mary Jane: Women In Cannabis” Hash Marijuana & Hemp Museum, Amsterdam

As an ambassador, we saw her photo in pride of place at a “We Are Mary Jane: Women In Cannabis” exhibition at the Hash, Marijuana & Hemp museum in Amsterdam recently, and deservedly so. There she was alongside 70 years of female social activists, coffee shop pioneers and early cannabis entrepreneurs. If it wasn’t for these ladies and their civil disobedience…………..

Jodie kindly joined us live from her home in Vancouver for 30 minutes on our weekly #HotboxShow Episode 42 last week. It was a real thrill for the all girl show to chat to a cannabis activism icon.

The HotboxShow, live Thursdays at 7pm on the Dagga Couple YouTube channel

She updated us on the rollout of Canadian legalisation due to start in October and mentioned her next business venture. Jodie’s latest inspiration is to blend her two favourite plants into a hemp themed coffee shop in a well know Toronto market district.
“Jodie’s Joint” opened this week and we would just like to give a shout out and wish Jodie the best of everything with this latest plan. You rock and you deserve every success.

May you go from strength to strength Jodie and let it be known, there’s nothing we’d like better than to pop over to Toronto and enjoy a cappuccino with you!