We broke the law, a law we’ve been breaking for years and years. We had some Dagga on our property. Enemies of the state. How many of you out there are considered enemies of the state for smoking a harmless joint?

Well, the law caught up with us in August last year and all of a sudden we we astounded by the depth of the trouble we were in. We realised very quickly that the punishments for Dagga FAR OUTWEIGH the crime. We were in a lot of trouble.

But why? Why has all of this got so out of proportion…..  We thought long and hard about our predicament and after weeks and weeks, decided the only way to tackle our situation was to fight it. And what a fight it is is bound to be….

We have already won a battle though. Our case has now set a precedent in the High Court. This means that ALL OF YOU ON A DAGGA CHARGE can give your presiding Magistrate our case number, and you too can follow in our footsteps and claim your Human Rights to use this plant. (Please refer to the ‘Case History’ page on this site for more information in this regard)

The only way we can truly win this is with YOUR SUPPORT. Our legal team is working very hard for us to get this challenge right, BUT, as you can imagine, we are going to be eaten alive with the costs of this enormous action. We have already spent upwards of R80,000 of our own money to get this far.

This is a plea to all of you out there, cannabis users and non users alike….The Constitutional Court is a stepping stone away from us now, the highest court in the land.

We really do need your help to fund this next stage of the gameplan. We have a vision that if 10,000 of you donated a hundred bucks, we’d have a purse big enough to head into the lions den, and some peace of mind security so we can get on with the task at hand…..

Dig deep into your hearts…..Do you really want to see prohibition finished. Do you really want to see the ridiculous unwinable ‘war on drugs’ to finish We have as good a chance as anyone has ever had in a South African court to really make a difference, and that’s the truth.


We look forward to hearing from you all.

Jules & Myrtle

‘The Dagga Couple’

Reluctant Activists