These are the important people of day irreversibly altering history forever by prohibiting the cannabis plant (and in particular the resin) pretty much worldwide.
Indian Hemp, a suggestion of the SA govt in 1925, is included in the International Opium convention of 1928.
“The use of Indian hemp and the preparations derived therefrom may only be authorized for medical and scientific purposes. The raw resin (charas), however, which is extracted from the female tops of the cannabis sativa L, together with the various preparations (hashish, chira, esrar, diamba, etc.) of which it forms the basis, not being at present utilized for medical purposes and only being susceptible of utilisation for harmful purposes, in the same manner as other narcotics, may not be produced, sold, traded in, etc., under any circumstances whatsoever.
Any idea who the dudes in the picture are?
Looking very sombre that bunch, needed some opium and spliff i reckon :)
Top capitalists / traders / their cronies in government. Same old. Some of them and their cronies were probably making big bucks in opium trade,and this was a plan to control the trade so thyey would have a monopoly.