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Together with our legal team at Schindlers Attorneys, Johannesburg, we have finalised our list of Expert Witnesses for The Trial of the Plant, due to start in the Pretoria High Court on 30 July 2017 until 25 August 2017. The final list, together with summaries of each expert’s evidence has been delivered to the plaintiff’s attorneys.

Totaling over 3000 pages, we hope that our defendants are busy reading our expert summaries very carefully!

In May this year our attorneys met with Deputy Judge President Ledawba in Pretoria. The DJP is managing the case and a set of deadlines was set down so that the trial preparation can proceed in an orderly manner. The next deadline is for the defendants to advise us, by the end of March 2017, how many experts they intend calling. So far we know of two, Dr David Bayever of the Central Drug Authority  and Prof Shabir Banoo of the Medicines Control Council.

The Trial of the Plant is finally within our grasp. The question we are asked most frequently is “How confident are you?” The answer to that is, while we are very aware that this is a momentous task with lots of work still to be done, we look over the summary of our evidence with pride and this is a huge boost to both confidence and morale.

Thank you to everyone involved with the process and thank you to all of our supporters for your patience and ongoing commitment to keeping our eyes on the prize.

Myrtle, Jules and the Fields of Green for ALL team.