Take a walk with us . . .
Back to the very beginning . . .
The year is 2013 and it is time to register South Africa’s first Cannabis Legalisation Non-Profit Company.
We are still buried deep in the prohibition of our favourite Plant, seeing up to 1,000 arrests A DAY!
The task at hand is a daunting one, but not without hope.
The Dagga Couple are represented by Ferdi Hartzenberg from Pretoria. Ferdi guided us through the process of obtaining a stay of prosecution in 2011. However, he warned us that our case would soon grow too big for his small Commercial Law firm.
By chance, we are told about ProBono – an organisation dedicated to providing legal representation to those who need it – and that they can help out with registering our Non-Profit Company. Donning our smartest outfits, we set out to see them.
Simon Delaney, a brilliant legal mind and someone who quickly became one of our “legal secret weapons”, headed up the organisation back then.
One thing leads to another, and Schindlers Attorneys is appointed to oversee the registration of Fields of Green for ALL.
At one of the final meetings in the process, we hear that “the guys on the top floor” want to meet us.
We agree, and meet Paul-Michael Keichel. Our no-nonsense Man with the Plan continues to lead our team of legals today.
Maurice Crespi, head honcho at Schindlers, saw the future back then, leading us all the way to the Constitutional Court in 2018.
Adieu, farewell
A whole decade later, we bid farewell to Schindlers Attorneys with deeply grateful hearts. For 10 years they helped us blaze the trail to Cannabis Liberalisation, representing both Fields of Green for ALL and The Dagga Couple Case pro bono.
The relentless efforts and various accomplishments by Schindlers over the past decade have ALL been on behalf of the entire Cannabis Community of South Africa.
Schindlers Attorneys will always be part of Cannabis History. They are integral in the fight to freely use, cultivate, and trade in Cannabis in South Africa, as well as around the world.
We and the South African Cannabis Community are profoundly grateful for the countless hours of work donated over the years. We would not have reached the many milestones along the way without the fastidious generosity and rigorous council of Schindlers.
One thing is certain: our journey with Schindlers has been one big, crazy, exciting adventure!
While this may be “good-bye” in some ways, we continue to work with and rely on the good people at Schindlers.
Pierre van der Merwe is representing Bernadette Enever in the much anticipated case before the Labour Court of Appeals later this year. Pierre, you are our hero and we appreciate your efforts in seeing the Labour Rights of the South African Cannabis Community protected.
Danmari Duguid, heading up the Schindlers Cannabis Department, is a formidable force helping to spread the legal truth about Cannabis across civil society. With Cannabis being in such a legal mess right now, we rely on individuals like Danmari to help educate the masses on why the processes are what they are and what can be done to remedy them. Be sure to catch her at Cannabis events – she can definitely answer your questions!
Thank you, Schindlers! You brought us much further than we dared hope back in 2013.
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