How many Dagga plants can I grow?

By |Published On: March 4th, 2022|

To answer the question with a question: “How many Dagga plants do you need?”

It’s a valid question. How much do you actually need? What is enough? How many grams do you smoke a day x 365 days x the number people in your household……

It’s lots. Much more than growing a couple of once off plants could ever provide.

  • 1 gram of oil per day for a household ie. 365g/year would roughly require 3.65kg of dry Cannabis.

  • 5g of Cannabis per 50ml of balm/ointment (50ml lasts roughly 10 days). 36 x 50 balms is 175g dry Cannabis per person, per year.

  • A low dose suppository 1:10 Cannabis oil/coconut oil, three times a day equates to 1g daily or 365g per year.

  • 30g of fresh leaves for daily juicing works out to 11kg’s of fresh plant matter per person per year. Obviously, it is really difficult to calculate a daily adult requirement given leaf sizes, strain sizes, indoor or outdoor plants etc.

  • Cannabis seed milk uses roughly 3 teaspoons seed per 250ml water. That’s 3.65kg’s of seed per year. Really difficult to quantify when planning a harvest.

How much do you smoke? How much do you dab?

3 grams of flowers a day is 90g monthly which is over 1kg of dried weed for a start.

18th September 2018 – The ConCourt Cannabis Judgement

In a unanimous decision, The Constitutional Court Of South Africa declared the prohibition of Cannabis possession, cultivation and consumption in ‘a private space’ invalid. Cannabis/Dagga was decriminalised in an emotional 45 minute reading by Judge Zondo.

That’s it – no written laws about plant numbers. Nada.

ConCourt Ruling & Police Directive

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Blogs excerpts from:

Good Day. How much weed can I grow?
Is weed legal in South Africa?
Is it legal to grow Dagga in South Africa?

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