Dear Julian and Myrtle

I only read about your story today. (Terribly slow of me.) Due to the brilliant manner in which you guys have presented your case I’ve ordered an info pack and signed the petition. For a long time now I’ve being following the legalization of Weed internationally. It is only recently that I found out how much progress has been made locally through various groups and noted the support in place for them. That’s the key factor isn’t it, “support” I know so many people who smoke but would never admit it in a public forum due to the fear of going through what you went through. The world is changing though, a close friend of mine who also signed your petition always tells me that that 2012 marked a shift in consciousnesses for the world. This is something that really resonates with me. 

I believe social media has been the main cause for this change. The explosion of new technology, ideas and innovations in the last few years has being incredible due to companies like Google, Twitter, SAP, Tesla Motors, Virgin (Everything) etc… The world of today has multiple mediums to access a ridiculous amount of information. We’re lucky, very very lucky. Facts, ideas and concepts we skim through and take for granted today were near impossible for people to procure twenty years ago. So many myths and old wives tales have being debunked recently that we live in a society where truth is dirt cheap. 

Yet people including myself take there time to come to realizations such as these. The current laws and polices the world over are so outdated that we need people like Edward Snowden and Pussy Riot and our very own Nelson Mandela to show us the truth. As cheap as information is these days, understanding is and always will be a premium. Now why on earth have I gone on this random rant…Its simple.

I believe weed ties into all of this because it has always being associated with deep thinking, creativity and social awareness. I’m not saying smoking a joint will let you reach inner peace, produce a hit single and understand the woes of the world. To an extent though it opens your mind and lets you see through this infinite wall of marketing and propaganda that we are submitted to since birth. Most of humanity currently lives in debt yet there’s more then enough to go around if we were to just share, care and save a little more. The 21 century rock stars are the entrepreneurs and they are slowly and surely taking power away from governments. We need governments and there policies to maintain order but they need to adapt very quickly to today’s society and way of living. People who are shaking off years of being told what is right and wrong and instead deciding for themselves. People like yourselves are changing this world for the better and I am so thankful. You two are nothing less then an inspiration for all of us and we are all forever grateful for the sacrifices you’ve made.        

I might someday commit fully to this cause but I’m not ready yet because it may ruin my career opportunities. If I want to make a difference then a position of power goes a long way in helping me do so. I will spread your message through every method I have at my disposal but I won’t be able to become a DC rep.

If there is anything that I can help with please let me know. 

You are the people South Africa needs to follow and support to legalize weed in our country, I wish you the best of success.

Blazing Regards