Good Morrow DC

All i wanna say is you cant spell “HEALTHCARE” without THC.

Nelson Mandela was a recreationl user too and guess what he changed the world.

The government is too busy arresting people for smoking herb but did you ever do a death toll as to drinking and driving vs smoking and driving uuuuhm ya thought as much.

As long as cannabis is illegal crime rates will just rise.

Here’s a intresting fact straight out of a 16year olds mouth,he used to smoke weed but now moved on to putting heroin or some white powder into his cigarettes..when we asked him why his response was a was not because the weed didn’t work for him was because this new found drug of his has no smell to it..he used to get in big trouble because his parents and sector police could smell the weed..So now instead of them leaving him alone to smoke non toxic medicinal plant..he is smoking some shit chemical that will possibly kill him and why? Because his parents were uneducated