Hi guys.

I hope you are well.

I have read the know your rights document last night and have a question regarding the rights of my partner.

I do not buy my stash from anyone. I have 3 plants which I grow naturally in pots with no lights or added nutrition and when lucky enough, I have the pleasure of harvesting them for my own consumption, but never sell any of it. Sometimes I will give some away to close friends upon their visit, but no commodity has been reached for the transaction.
I never have more than 50g in my possession.

Now for the question…
If the police rock up to my front door, and I’m not at home, what is my partners rights?
Lets say, they do have a legitimate warrant to search the premises.

What do my partner have to do/say?

She enjoys the plans as much as I do, but are not included in the cultivation process, only as the end user.
What is her rights if getting caught and what does she have to do?
Will she be arrested as an accomplice of the “crime” or is there another field of allegations in the law system which she can/will be accused for?

We know we are not criminals, but according to the drug law of South Africa, we are…

Please supply, if possible, a dagga friendly lawyer’s contact details in Cape Town, should we get into trouble…

I was once a victim of arrest in 2006 for neglecting to lock the door when I entered the house and they barged in, 7 officers with shotguns and arrested me for possession and cultivation, which I had 1 plant, which the state attorney said they can’t use as evidence and 0.03g and a bong…
I did know my rights then, and aggravated the police by asking why it was illegal if I enjoy the plant in my own privacy and never leave the house stoned. I also accused them of wasting the systems funds in catching the innocent that does not break the law other than enjoying mother natures creation. I also said that their funds should go more in the prevention of amphetamines being manufactured and abused, which we see so often today with tik…
I did however sign the admission of guilt so that I can enjoy my birthday which was due in a few hours in order to get out of the cell… BIG MISTAKE!!! I realize now after reading the know your rights.

Your help will be appreciated in this matter.

Thank you for all your work in this field!
I hope to meet you guys in person when you are in Cape Town again on a road trip!

Many thanks and kindest regards
Your fellow brother in what is right!!!