On the morning of 16/10/2013 I went to my sisters house to get me some clean clothes so that I can go to our local Radio Stations to give them 15 songs and go to vodacom to apply for a job that a close friend told me about. Between the time of 06:30 I got to my sisters house ( Marisha Williams) I ask her is she done with my close and she said no but I can wait because it won’t take long and its a distance for me to walk back home and to come back later. So I stayed there and spent time with her 1yr 11 month old child son and 1 Rasta brothers and 1 Rasta sister of us. I went into her zink house and we were just talking about everyday stuff while my sisters are washing my clothes. About 06:50 my other Rasta brother got there so we decide to go and sit in the zink house were my sister stores her bottles because the house was getting to crowded. While we were sitting there *** got there from the Hospital and decides to join us while we sitting there and talking. So now me Oupa 2 rasta brothers and andrew is sitting outside and the ladies are busy in the house. Its about 8:20 I hear a noise outside I look and see that its the police running into the yard with paper gas in there hand to spray the dog, about 8 police men and a Lady got there with a folded paper in his hand (Inspector **** aka ****) telling her its the search warrant because they had a tip that we are dealing with drugs. (They didn’t even open the warrant or Introduce them as they were suppose to)We just gave them our co-operation and they went trough the place 3 were looking for drugs and money in the house and on my 2 rasta sisters, while the others were searching us ****. The Police Men called “THE Rock” **** he searched my sisters 1yr and 11 months old baby boy lift up his arms searched him under his arms and went down with his body and started to feel his nappie an look in to see if there’s drugs on the child. So oupa shouts at him “Wow The Rock jy is mos n veilgat” and he replies ” Ek leer dit by julle wat die drugs in julle kinders weg steek” and the other police men laughs at such a statement. So we left it there so that they can go on with there job so they search the whole house went thru everything the clothes, microwave,under the bed,even thru the boys toy bin. They did they some to the place my sister stores her bottles and the whole yard even went thru a broke bakkie an the Ballie full of human shit. After hours of searching they found a plastic bag with Dagga ( 250g ) in a beer crate in the place were my sister stores her bottles. They started to celebrate we got them and told us we are not going anywhere we should just stand there and they started to search us again. One of the Police had Private clothes on and he decided to search me he took my penis into his hand as he is going down to my leg ” so now I’m starting to feel very cross but said nothing”
Police Men: Is jy n moffie laat jy so klomp earings in jou ore het”
now he holds my penis and bolls in his hands and ask me”. ( Now I’m really cross)
Me:” Nee ek is nie n moffie nie en hoe kan jy my so vra jy insult my mos”
Police Men:” Weet jy wat is Insult jy ken my nie jy hou nie Hardegat met my ni.( While he push me around and grabs my arm like he want to assault me now and one of my Rasta brothers had to jump between us and told him to leave me)” Sister Saw the whole thing”
After they stopped searching us and found nothing on us not even money they ask us who’s Dagga it is and *** replied that its his Dagga( Constable **** says that in his statement)
I smoke for many reasons such as relaxing after a hard days work. But one think I don’t do is smoke at work. Mainly because of the paranoia of being dismissed if i am caught . I am extremely worried about getting injured on duty because you have to go to hospital and they do a drug test . Weed stays in my system for 3 to 5 weeks, so how can a company dismiss you or not cover you in a accident should you test positive? Can you be fired for weed even if you are not goofed?
I have so many negative and positive stories for you guys, but Much more so I would like to tell you how proud I am of you guys, how amazing the work is you are doing and how much integrity and guts it takes to stand up for something like this. Due to my job and studies I can at this stage not openly support you as I am in a professional setting with an extreme disliking of Marijuana. I do want to help in some way or another so contact me if there is anything I can do. I am very very busy but will try. Thanx and keep up the amazing work!!
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