Myrtle, do you consider the following reasonable or irrational:

“I’m not talking about the effects on young children who need help, I am talking of a sexagenarian with neuropathic disorders that is refractory to conventional analgesics. Cannabis Sativa in itself is not addictive. What is addictive is any other chemical added to it, like Mandrax, Tobacco, etc. Surely the SAPS could take the need for reduced pain into consideration before slamming users on medical grounds into jail for possession of sufficient drug for their personal use? Surely the judicial system has far more serious criminals to deal with than retired people really only wanting to improve their quality of life because conventional therapies have failed? Surely a medical doctor could prescribe a reasonable quantity of CS or CI for that purpose to show SAPS or others that it is being used for a legitimate purpose? It’s time everyone woke up. There have been reports everywhere that there are ZERO deaths from Cannabis use, whereas 5-million people annually die from cigarette-smoking related illnesses? Who in their right mind wants to get involved with organised crime? I don’t! I just want relief from my pain without resorting to suicide because of some antediluvian draconian law that prevents possession of Cannabis. Hey world, wake up!”