Hello DC <3
I have finished the days work so I am free to contribute a bit!
Why I smoke dagga. Hmmmm…
To give reasons, to be reasonable. I am never comfortable with ‘why’ questions but I will do my best.
Firstly, I smoke dagga most days, almost every day. I smoke from lunch-time to bed-time. I start my first rolled dagga smoke at about 11am and I smoke on average, 10 -15 ‘joints’ in the 12 hour period. So I would say that I smoke excessively – I base the use of ‘excessive’ on my ratio of hours sober to hours stoned. I think I am stoned about 3/4 of the time (not including sleep)
So, I understand that I smoke dagga excessively because I am emotionally under-developed. It was something I questioned a long time ago, “If dagga isn’t addictive, then why do I enjoy smoking it so much?” As I understand it, My thinking intelligence is excellent, my action/doing intelligence is good but my EQ, my emotional intelligence is poor… so, when I have a feeling, I don’t have the word to name that feeling… my emotional vocabulary is very limited… so I can react or respond quickly to emotions and I usually am over-sensitive… If asked to name as many feeling/emotional words in 10 seconds, I stick at 5…. To feel stoned ensures that I won’t be bothered by any other feelings. This is why I think I smoke so much weed!
Why I smoke dagga in general? I don’t know fully or exactly why, but I know of some parts and for me it makes sense to smoke dagga. I started smoking dagga at 15. It wasn’t peer-pressure, just curiosity.
Dagga stimulates parts of myself, I feel like I am more focused internally, I feel I can better express my understandings when I am stoned. If I am feeling blocked or distracted, having a joint stones my distractions leaving me free to be productive. Being stoned is a different state to perceive in and I gain benefit from this altered perception… I love being me, being sober… but the world isn’t as I would have it, being stoned helps to gain a better perspective on life imho.
Ok, it’s short and sweet, hope it helps… sorry if the grammar is poor, feel free to correct it as you like!
love and light,
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