Hi guys.

I love your page and the stand you are taking.

In your latest post, you asked about the reasons people use dagga. Well, I have been a recreational user for about 25 years. I don’t smoke cigarettes and would rather smoke a spliff than have a drink any day. About 2 years ago, one of the discs in my spine ruptured and I had a minor back operation to alleviate the pressure. The op was not a great success and I was in pain for about 18 months until I had a spinal fusion 2 weeks ago.

During the period between operations, I was really suffering. The nerve damage was causing such agony up and down my legs that I was unable to sleep, driving was near impossible and I was slipping into depression. I ended up seeing an occupational therapist who mentioned that canabis had helped some of her patients. She recommended making it in tea as she found that had helped the most. I tried it and was amazed how it was a more effective pain killer than the schedule 6 drugs I was taking. 

I think I will always smoke it but will also be eternally greatly for the relief it brought me during an exceptionally difficult time.

I hope that the above is of use to you, feel free to use it on FB or anywhere but I would prefer to remain anonymous please.

Keep up the good work.
