Good day …

I am so glad I found out the truth about dagga …I am shock to hear the can cure so many sicknesses with it and even cancer and still the dont want to make dagga for medical use legal, just wanted to say to you thanks for fighting for this, also I want to know one of my friends have cancer and realy want to try this oil made of canibisse, do you know of someone that make it or do you know were they can get some dagga to make it themself …I am not someone that want to make trouble I just want to help a friend, sorry for bad english I am Afrikaans speaking …Mabe you can help Mabe you cant but I just thought well let me ask otherwise I will never know. Also want to ask please exsplain to me why they say they dont want to make dagga legal for medical use, If someone have a letter from his or her docter that they may use dagga to help with an illness can you then grow the plant or what is the law here in SA say about this stuff please help me I am stupid with this stuff.

Thanks alot
