Four men have been arrested in Welkom for possessing dagga worth about

R2000 on the street, Free State police said on Friday.

“[Police] were busy patrolling in Welkom CBD when they saw two suspicious

learners in school uniform. They stopped and searched them and found

dagga in their pockets,” said Captain Stephen Thakeng.

The pupils led police to two men, who were found in possession of dagga.

Two other men were also arrested.

“The police together with the [two] suspects went to a certain house in

Rheederpark where they found two African males — the owner of the rented

back room, and another man.”

Police found dagga with a street value of R2400 on the premises.

The suspects were aged between 20 and 32.

They would appear in Welkom Magistrate’s Court soon.

The pupils were not arrested.