I have spoken to you before about my condition as a schizophrenic. I know the whole psychiatric world claims dagga is a negative for mental health patients and have even made claims that schizophrenia is caused by dagga. What they forget to mention in that study is that children who abuse dagga are more prone to schizophrenia or more a dopamine disorder. I was in a very bad way. I thought I was Jesus and at times the devil and I was not using any substances at the time. After having major recurring breakdowns I finally took matters into my own hands. I use the prescribed antipsychotic in conjunction with cannabis. My Psychiatrist is aware of what I am doing although because of the Nazi attitude the medical field has for mental patients and cannabis he cannot openly support me. In the time that I have been using the cannabis and antipsychotic I have not had a major schizophrenic breakdown in three years. I went from almost being an institutionalized state patient to slowly recovering and now I am able not only to look after myself but also my disabled mother and run the house. People like me desperately need the dagga couple to continue the work of taking away the stigma of cannabis use and the eventual legalization if not just decriminalization. I am not a criminal but the dagga is an integral part of treating my schizophrenia. Statistically more that 70% of schizophrenics use dagga as it has a definite influence on the schizophrenic’s chemistry. I know the world is against me as a mental patient using dagga but I am one of the success stories and I have openly signed your petition and openly support you on facebook. Fortunately the law has not caught up with me yet and I am hoping for the legalization of the herb before it does. I am an open supporter of legalization. I understand that dagga is not suited to everybody and some people have highly negative reactions. However that is not reason to reject a plant that has numerous medical uses and surprisingly has allowed me, a schizophrenic to build my life back.

 Just wanted to thank you for the work that you are doing and say that I appreciate the sacrifices you have made already in this fight. Decent people labeled as criminals falsely.


 Peter Hubball