Hey guys I see this page all of a sudden became a all around msg board!
Anyway I’ll say my bit, and get the other cancer recovering people to say theirs.
For the past 8 years I have been on all sorts of chemical prescription mood stabilisers, and I am sorry to say but being on almost all “stabilisers” available, I can definitely say that dagga works better than any other available drug for my ADHD.
And to do with Cancer, I have seen first hand how dagga helps to not elevate skin cancer, but actually take it away! I have spoke to people that just dagga to elevate the symptoms of no eating and pain in cancer!
Thanks so much the new website looks great! Like you always say, a crime should have a victim, if someone gets robbed they are a victim, if they make dagga legal, then they take the crime away, using dagga is a victimless crime!
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