Hi there,
I’ve been an avid anti-marijuana person all my life, until last week. I don’t want my information to be posted, please, because its taken quite a bit of courage to even write to you. I am an avid herb grower and have studied herbs for many years and helped quite a few people. Except myself until now.
Last year I suffered from pneumonia, 4 times. Besides that I have systemic candida which makes my asthma worse than “usually people get” and I am tired of the pumps, the cortisone, the continuous medical bills from Xrays that say the same thing or pulmonologists that say the same thing. I’d heard about weed for asthma and did some reading but was way too scared to try it.
Last week I had a severe attack of asthma and my husband told me he’d asked around about getting me a “joint”. Out of sheer desperation (being a non smoker and all round anal retentive individual about drugs, let me re-iterate) he lit it, and I took two puffs consecutively then put it out. Immediately my lungs opened, I could BREATHE!! I haven’t tried it again since because the asthma has gone to sleep for now and I’m just using my pumps, but everything I’ve believed about marijuana is being questioned as I continue to research it and how it may help me. I have discovered that two particular strains “Light of Jah” and “cannatonic” are recommended by hospitals in California for chronic asthma and even cancer patients, in the form of juice extracted from the fresh herb. This takes away my fear because heck, I’ve been a non-smoker for so long that if there’s an alternative, I’d prefer that. (yep still worried). So I’m trying to locate seeds for these two; I want to grow them, juice them and see if that will have the effect they say it will.
Problem is, I have no way of finding it. Sure they are available overseas and one could order but again I don’t know what the law would say about that or if the seeds would even reach me. When I came across your Facebook page I thought well, it won’t hurt to ask people who are campaigning for the legalization of weed. I’ve signed the petition as well because I think that without trials and without people like me who experience healing, we can’t prove it works.
I’m located in ****, which is supposed to be weed land, but I don’t know anyone here who has or uses (or they won’t say). Could you possibly refer me or assist me in getting the seeds? I am willing to pay for them of course. I shudder to think of my next asthma attack taking me back to hospital.
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