Fields of Green for ALL, industry and community leaders, FGA Affiliates and members of The Green Network invite you to join our Mass Action in Cape Town, Pretoria and all over the country on Saturday 17 September at 10am.

You can download the PDF of the Memorandum which will be delivered to the government here.
Please join the facebook events here.

Detailed Event Locations here.
Please arrive with placards as these are invaluable for the spread of our message after the event. You can get ideas in this list we have put together OR you can get printable artwork on the feed of the Facebook event.

Fields of Green for ALL applied for permission for the event at the Union Buildings, Pretoria and this is the cover letter we sent in with the application:

Please find attached our Application for Permission to gather at the Union Buildings on Saturday 17 September 2022, in the form of a Notice of Gathering. This will be a peaceful gathering of members of the Cannabis community, in consolidation with Cannabis community members who will be gathering at various venues around South Africa.

Fields of Green for ALL was established in 2013 to deal with the obstacles surrounding the re-legalisation of Cannabis in South Africa. Our non-profit company is also the evidence provider for various strategic litigation spanning the last 12 years in South Africa. Our plaintiffs were successful in achieving a Constitutional Court judgement in September 2018 allowing for the private possession, use and cultivation of Cannabis in private spaces.

Our government was instructed by the highest court in the land to amend the defects in the law but to date, the slow progress has resulted in us seeing no amendments to said law. On 18 September 2022, it will be four years since the judgement.

Together with fellow activists, businesspeople, victims of prohibition and the general Cannabis community we wish to express our dissatisfaction with the current status quo.

We thank you for this opportunity to exercise our Constitutional right to stage a peaceful gathering.

Greenest Regards