One of the most damaging aspects of Cannabis prohibition in South Africa is the cost of this, the last apartheid law, to the taxpayer. With our economy struggling to keep up in a worldwide recession we cannot afford to keep throwing billions of rand down the toilet in pursuit of a plant and the people who use it! We highlighted these costs in our short documentary, Dagga: The Cost and we are pleased to announce our next expert witness, Quintin van Kerken of the Anti Drug Alliance.
Quintin’s insightful document, At What Cost: Too Many Rands and Too Little Sense, is an important part of our evidence. You can download the latest version in the Adult Use section of the resources on our website. Quintin will be presenting this document to the Pretoria High Court. Welcome to the team, Quintin. In his own words:
“The press have called me an expert on drugs and addiction. I prefer to say I help people. Many of them have made some really bad life decisions which ended in them abusing drugs or alcohol or gambling or porn, and destroying their lives completely. I help them put the pieces together, make better decisions and move on. 10 years ago I walked away from addiction. It was the hardest thing I had ever done. I started an organisation called the Anti Drug Alliance, which is there to educate, research, treat, and make a really big noise when laws are not fair. The war on Dagga is a war on people.”
We have 6 days left of our Indiegogo crowd funding campaign for our expert witnesses and we are 26% funded. We have had to put our quest for more international experts on hold as we have not raised enough money to pay their expenses. This can change if YOU make a contribution before time runs out. We are all in this together and it is our dream to bring our entire list of experts to South Africa in order to bring YOU, the South African Cannabis enthusiast, a world class Trial of the Plant.
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