This is for ALL of us!

This is for ALL of us!


As you may know, The Trial of the Plant is set down to begin in the Pretoria High Court in March 2016. Julian and I, under the banner of our Non-Profit Company, are setting about gathering support for the pivotal 5 months that lie ahead.

We have some rather exciting news to share with you.  As you know, we are full steam ahead on our quest to legalise Cannabis for everyone, be it for health, industrial, spiritual or responsible adult use.  We’re bringing in top experts from all over the world to testify in court on behalf of the plant, but we need to raise the finances needed to pay for their flights and accommodation.

We are already extremely grateful for all the support we’ve had from you to date.  Your support has been invaluable to us but, as you know, the outcome of this court case is going to make the world of difference in all of our lives.  Don’t think of it as a contribution, think of it as collaboration.

Everyone is always asking us what they can do to help … well THIS IS IT folks!!  Please take a look at our Indiegogo fundraising campaign and make a donation if you can, and PLEASE share the campaign with as many people as you possibly can.  Without your help, there is a danger that we might not raise the funds needed to get our experts here, and without our experts our case is weakened, possibly to the extent that we would lose the opportunity to take this to the Constitutional Court.



There is light at the end of the tunnel!

There is light at the end of the tunnel!

You may receive a few more of these mails if you are subscribed to any of our other lists but we figure that this is so important that you will forgive us for pestering you! Its crunch time with only 5 months to go to the trial…

Thanks in advance for staying in touch,

Myrtle, Jules & the Fields of Green for ALL Team xx

Should you have trouble accessing Indiegogo’s payment portals,  please go to our donate page for bank details and be sure to put INDIEGOGO as reference so that you can still receive your perks.