Are you up for a one of a kind video challenge?
Read on to find out more about the #CCHSA ‘All the Words for Dagga‘ Video Challenge…
By now you’ve most definitely heard of our #CannabisCanHelpSouthAfrica campaign – our big push to get government to pay attention to us and give us back our plant. Our Petition will be closed off at the end of this month and we’ll hand it in to the President along with our Manifesto.
But besides all the important legal stuff, we also like to have fun – enter the #CCHSA ‘All the Words for Dagga’ Video Challenge!
If you’ve read through the Manifesto, you’ll see that the proposed regulations are trying to include everyone – every single South African – so that we can have equal rights and access to Cannabis in South Africa for ALL. In the spirit of our diversity, we’ve decided to challenge our Cannabis community to expand their vocabulary. No, you don’t need to learn a whole new language! Just as many translations as possible for our favourite word: Cannabis.
Use our popular, limited edition ‘All the Words for Dagga’ African Cannabis T-shirt for inspiration, and get an edge in the #CCHSA All the Words for Dagga Video Challenge!
The T-shirt contains over 45 different words used for Cannabis – how many can you remember and recite by heart?
Find all the translations, slang words and original stoner-codes for the word ‘Cannabis’, remember as many as you can and get your camera ready…
Here are the rules:
Have some fun — and probably a good laugh — while helping us spread the word about our #CannabisCanHelpSouthAfrica campaign.
As a thank you for participating, we will draw a couple of random names on the #HotBoxShow on Thursday 02 July 2020 , to receive one of our African Cannabis T-shirts & an awesome surprise hamper! These names will be taken from our social media feed, from participants who have posted their videos using the hashtag #CannabisCanHelpSouthAfrica or #CannabisCanHelpSA.
If you would like to be part of our FINAL MASHUP VIDEO, please pop your video into this folder, making sure you have your name in the title so we can be in contact on social media.
We look forward to seeing your posts!
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