Well i was born in East London, that’s when my medical history started.
I was diagnosed with an over active mind with a border hyper active body.
needless to say i gave my folks a extremely hard time.
i was given tranquilizers to make me sleep, (or so my folks could sleep) which only worked once, then the doc increased my dosage, with no effect.
last chance they gave me adult tranqs in an attempt to knock me out, still no effect, then the doctor gave an over dose. it worked ONCE.
My late grandfather, had a way that worked all the time, 3 shots of brandy.
Well two years later when i was 3, i was used as an burn experiment when i managed to pull a cup of boiling water over myself.
I was so badly burnt that when my mother grabbed me her thumb went straight through my skin. a was rushed to hospital were the pressure vest experiment started. today i have almost no noticeable scaring. Lucky me..
As my baby years progressed, so did my ability to keep the doctors in business. from drinking brake fluid, asthma medicine, and to many stitches and spider bites.
At the age of thirteen (13) a woke with extreme pain in my hip, after months in and out of hospitals and visiting doctors all over South Africa, in an attempt to find out what was wrong with me, a child specialist from the states came and saw me and diagnosed me with chronic juvenile arthritis. Joy to the world, it brought all my sporting activities to a sudden end. and it also brought the worst out of me. My sports i did was what kept me calm and level headed, i did as much sport as possible to tire myself out enough to get school work done.
It was just before my 14th birthday when i had my first joint, ooooh what joys, a evening ill never forget, that first high..
It was only two-three years later did i come across an article mentioning marijuana as a pain relief for arthritis. Thats when i realized what it had done in relieving my pain. and it really has benefited my life in more ways than just helping with my pain.
it kept my mind calm, i was able to focus on my work at hand. And it most certainly did not make me stupid, infact it opened my eyes to many things, and it made me start to question and study random thing that caught my attention. i started looking at nature differently in away of all the natural remedies that she has to give us.
as the years past my interests varied, from herbs to religion, and an attempt to find my spirituality. Death has always fascinated me, to a point some may think me rude the way i embrace death, and look at the bright side of things when others are mourning. I guess that i have always wanted to cross over to see what its like for myself, or to have a greater understanding of who i am or what i am. i am still on the quest to try find myself, and have only experimented once with salvia divinorum. bad trip. and recently i have been in search of some DMT extract as i hear it is the closest one that can possibly get me to the place i am wanting to go.
As far as schooling went i was always at the top of my class with very little effort, that was until i got arthritis. then it all went for a ball of shit. i never studied, or wrote anything in my books, SAVE THE TREES. although i did not do much school work, i listened, and managed to pass easily.
When i reached high school i was taken into the music class due to possible music talent, DAM were they wrong. after a year i decided to go to a technical school, as i have always been good with hands and have a brain that can piece things together and know how they work. and if i dont know how it works ill break it to fix it ;)
Well i started the following year at Baysville, were i chose to do motor mechanics, and with in three years i was qualified mech.
After leaving i started a job in Durban as a mech. A year later a joined private military and did 6 months training and then 4 months in Sudan doing A.U protection, before getting sent to D.R.C were i lost to good mates.
At that point in my life i was an emotional wreck resigned and went back to Durban, were i got my job back with a promotion.
My girlfriend at the time moved in with me. Spent my money and slept around while i was away for meetings.
Until the day i walked in on her. Needless to say been a bit unstable i did not react the way i should have, and ended up assaulting the guy, got in my car and headed back to East London to my folks.
Dont quite know what happened but i woke up 5 months later in hospital after wrapping my car around a tree.
A few years later, i started having pains in my ribs. long story short. They ended up taking my rib cage out, broke it reshaped it, and turned my sternum(chest plate) around, and wired me up and ended it with 23 staples to hold the cut closed. Doc said six months in bed, i was out of bed on month three playing paintballs were i ended up ripping a few ribs off the chest plate, and rushed back to hospital to be cut open again. After that i stayed in bed for the 6 months.
once i had recovered i moved to a one horse town called Komga, its on the border of transkie. I then started to work in the tyre industry. been here now 8 yrs and counting.
I am now with a wonderful woman whom has given me the greatest gift, a son named Arion Griffin Oates 16 months.
it was at his birth that i realized that i can no longer just be a by stander and allow this world to carry on the way it is. I need to change it for my son. i want him to have a free future, a future of free choice.
And he is the reason i have been protesting hard and informing people that they are not sheep.
at the moment i am renting a farm outside of komga, a beautiful farm.
I am now preparing a small piece of land to start my organic veg garden, and also hoping to have a few cows and sheep.
trying to stay away from the shop products.
live healthy
and thats about it.
if you have any further questions please dont hesitate to ask.
kind regards
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